GeekVape M100 Aegis Mini 2 Mod

38,50 €


M100 Mod (Aegis Mini 2) ima tehnologijo Geekvape Tri-proof Tech 2. generacije, ki omogoča, da je Aegis Mini 2 bolj zaščitena in vzdržljiva spremljevalka na prostem. Vgrajena je baterija s kapaciteto 2500 mAh, ima največjo moč 100 W in zagotavlja dolgotrajno vaping. Tehnologija Buck-boost s stabilno izhodno močjo ustvarja dosleden okus, tudi ko se baterija izprazni. Zaščita pred nenamernim pritiskom A-lock vam bo pomagala zaščititi napravo. Hitreje in varneje jo lahko napolnite s polnilnim priključkom tipa C s preklopnim pokrovom.

✔ Baterija 2500 mAh z največjo močjo 100 W

✔ Trojno odporen, 1,08-palčni polni zaslon

✔ Ves čas stabilen izhod, USB tipa C

Parametri modula GeekVape M100:

Znamka GeekVape
Produkt Ime M100 Aegis Mini 2 Mod
Izhodna napetost 8. 5V
Zmogljivost baterije 2500mAh
Specifikacija polnjenja Trip- C 5V/2A
Opozorilo o nizki napetosti 3. 3V±0. 1V
Pozorilnik temperature PCBA 85 ℃
Najdaljši Čas uparjanja 10±1s
Delovna temperatura -10℃~40℃
Tok v stanju pripravljenosti <10uA
Hramba Temperatura -20 ℃~60 ℃
Color Srebrna, siva, mornarsko modra, rdeča, mavrična, klasična črna

Paket modula Aegis Mini 2 Mod vsebuje:

  • 1 Modul GeekVape M100 Aegis Mini 2 Mod
  • 1 kabel USB tipa C



I must say that it is one of the best mods I’ve ever tried. With its output and battery capacity, it makes it ideal for all day vaping. It is quite lightweight considering its size. I really like the flavor, it’s smooth and pure, as if I’m tasting the true flavor of my e-juice.


I'm really happy with this mod. Little, but powerful - the battery is really strong and lasts for the whole night out. I think you'd definitely get your money's worth out of this device. Plus it arrived really quickly, only took 14 days to arrive. Highly recommend it!


I'm quite impressed with this Aegis Mini 2 Mod. The output voltage and battery capacity of 8.5V and 2500mAh are quite impressive, and the Type-C 5V/2A charging specification and 3.3V±0.1V low voltage warning make it a perfect choice for any type of vaping needs. However, I had issues with the buttons on my Mod sticking, making it difficult to adjust the settings. Nonetheless, the GeekVape M100 Aegis Mini 2 Mod is a great product and I am very happy with it.


If you're looking for a high-quality vape mod that produces great flavor and clouds, the GeekVape M100 Aegis Mini 2 Mod is definitely worth considering. The powerful 2500mAh battery ensures that you get plenty of vapor throughout the day, and the 8.5V output voltage is enough to have a great vaping experience. With the Type-C 5V/2A charging specification and low-voltage warning of 3.3V+/-0.1V, you don't have to worry about overcharging or draining the battery too low. The 10+/-1s longest vaping time is more than sufficient to get a good session out of your device, and the 85℃ PCBA temperature alarm ensures that you don't push the mod too far. Additionally, the -10℃ to 40℃ working temperature and -20℃ to 60℃ storage temperature guarantee optimal performance and maintenance of the mod. All in all, the GeekVape M100 Aegis Mini 2 Mod is a great choice for everyone.


I am usually sceptical about online purchases from new places. However, the product has exceeded all my expectation - it is original for sure and works perfectly. The build quality is excellent. Despite having a relatively small battery, it still holds a very long vaping time. Charging is convenient. I would definitely recommend it to beginners and experienced vapors alike.


Blagovne znamke
Barva (od možnosti)
Navy Blue
Classic Black